Are you suffering from numbness, tingling, burning pain, or deep stabbing pain that is often diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy? Do you have balance problems or have the fear of becoming disabled and needing someone to take care of you? Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition affecting more than 30 million Americans, and the condition is growing rapidly. As the blood vessels that surround the nerves start to die off. the nerves begin to shrink from the lack of all its oxygen, nutrients, and blood supply. When these nerves begin to die, serious symptoms and injuries may occur. The most common mistake neuropathy sufferers make is to take the "it will go away on its own" or "the medications will get me better" mentality. Doing this for long periods can cause you to reach a point of no return. At Big Mountain Med Spa we offer a scientific, 4-step. proven approach that heals your nerves, reverses your symptoms, and starts to make them durable once again.
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If you have ANY of these symptoms, WE CAN HELP!
In our clinic we utilize a precise and effective system which includes cutting edge technology for treating peripheral neuropathy. This program has a 90-95% success rate and is helping thousands of people across the US with this debilitating condition. The interventions and technology we use are designed to address the multiple factors that can contribute to the development of neuropathy and provide ongoing relief for our patients. Given that peripheral neuropathy almost always has a vascular component, the first group of therapies we utilize are designed to improve nitric oxide production, nerve education, angiogenesis, and increase circulation to the extremities. When we can improve the underlying blood supply to the peripheral nerves, as well as address the centrally mediated pain, patients experience substantial decreases in pain, increased balance, and diminished numbness/tingling that is all too common with neuropathy. Try our clinically proven protocol today and stop suffering!
*This applies to Neuropathy, Knee, Shoulder, Plantar, and Decompression Therapy